Parenting Coaching

father sonI offer a specific, short-term program, often in fewer than six sessions, to learn how to become “regulated”, thus helping our children, adolescents and young people learn to regulate themselves. It can teach us how to stop yelling and reacting to the stress and triggers are kids bring up in us. We learn how to “co-regulate.”

From “Positive Psychology: Self Regulation” we can find this definition of it:

“Someone who has good emotional self-regulation has the ability to keep their emotions in check. They can resist impulsive behaviors that might worsen their situation, and they can cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down. They have a flexible range of emotional and behavioral responses that are well matched to the demands of their environment”

We begin by examining what is troubling and stressful to you as a parent, and how you show up. This is a judgement free zone! I know, from my lived-experience of parenting nine children, that I did not always behave as I had imagined I would when I first began having children. So, we come to this work assuming the best, that you do want to be a better parent – most specifically, I focus on anger, impatience and being triggered by our children.

I use my training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the years of experience in using those skills, specifically in my work with parents of kids who were in DFACS and drug court, alongside worksheets, experiential exercises like self scans and listening to mp3s, paired with my training in HeartMath to teach you how to regulate yourself, thus providing a better environment to help you help your child to regulate. It can actually work like magic. 

You will experience quicker growth in skills development if you purchase a device for around $250 from HeartMath. I understand finances may not permit you to make this kind of purchase, but the device is incredibly useful in teaching mindfulness, a core feature of self-regulation.